Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Voice

I use my voice when I have something I need to say. When it's something that there is no way I can keep my mouth shut. When I have to defend what I believe in, or who I love. I use my voice to express who I am. My voice doesn't care what anybody thinks of it, or how it sounds. Silence, is a mixed bag. It can be good when it has a strong affect, like a moment of silence for those we've lost. Or a moment of peace after something long and stressful. But it can also be a hazard. When you don't agree on something that's life altering, you need to speak up. To defend yourself you need to speak up. Don't make things awkward, make some noise. Don't let things pass by in silence, do something about it. 

1 comment:

Traingirl said...

aah, the complexities of silence. when to keep it, when to break it. your working through it here seems right on to this big grrl. make some noise!